Why Digital Marketing?

Why Digital marketing?

Very few truly understand people and technology.

You are either one or the other, and the one you do not understand terrifies you. Imagine how many technology people wish they had more confidence in social situations. There are just as many people who feel the same way when they are asked to use technology. You feel 100 percent in your element, or completely overwhelmed and intimidated. I have been blessed with the skill to understand both human beings and technology. Not only do I understand them but they are my passion. The great news is that everyone can learn and evolve and that is why I want to be a Digital Marketer. I have a skill and I want to use it to help people. To bridge the gap between people, business, and technology.

Life sometimes kicks you in the ass and forces you to evolve in ways you never imagined. During these times, you can either answer the call and work through the challenges or become a victim of your situation. Perhaps I will share more about my journey of growth in the future but regardless it has led me here. To my very own digital marketing agency named after what very few possess. The ABG mindset. Always Be Grinding (ABG) is the mindset that you should always do what is right regardless. The mindset that even if things are working there may be a better way to do things, a smarter way, a more efficient way. The mindset that when something breaks, you find a way to fix it. You don’t sit around and wait for the problem to fix itself. The mindset when you say you are going to do something, you know it’s already done. You hold yourself accountable, always. That is ABG! I want to be ABG for your business if you will let me.

Everyone in this world has a calling, a skill, a passion where they feel fulfillment, satisfaction, abundance. For me technology and problem solving have always came naturally. My systematic approach, attention to detail, and understanding of people and technology, make digital marketing a perfect calling. I can help people with technology, while working with people, and technology! We are at a pivotal time with technology as AI is evolving, humans are already dependent on technology, and yet so few understand it. Will you even be able to tell who is a human and who isn’t online anymore?

The truth is that businesses will need to evolve to the current state of technology if they want to thrive and grow. Technology is not going anywhere and some fear it will take over everything. It’s time to start using it to your advantage, in your life, and in your business. ABG Marketing and Design is about creating technology solutions for all types of people, and all types of businesses! I look forward to the future and you should too!

I feel that business owners should spend their time doing what they love about their business, and use technology solutions for the rest. Keep things personal, your way, and use automation, work flows, and technology to keep you organized. Take your time back, your enjoyment back, and thrive in the digital world with that ABG mindset and ABG Marketing and Design!


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