How Can I Market Myself? 4 Actionable Steps To Build Your Own Marketing Campaign! Free!

How Can I Market Myself? 4 Actionable Steps To Start Your Own Marketing Campaign

How Can I Market Myself?

Attract Your Dream CustomerPlan to attract exactly who you want to work with.


Build An Extensive Value LadderCreate, organize, and stack your value ladder.
Create your lead magnets and your offer directly from this step!


Build a Marketing Funnel Landing PageAttract your dream customer, insert your lead magnets,
flow visitors into your offer at the perfect time!


Drive Traffic To Your Landing PageTraffic comes from so many places but that part is easy
once you have completed the first 3 steps!

How Do I Market Myself?

With Ai, technology, and the ability to learn for yourself, it has never been easier to market yourself. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand the basics, and they build out flowery brochure websites that are ineffective and time consuming. You want to attract new clients, keep existing clients happy, and manage everything with technology. Take some time and set up your entire marketing campaign so that you are attracting your dream customers and harnessing effective marketing strategies. Most of these steps must be done before you begin and I constantly see people missing out on this opportunity.

How Can I Market Myself?

How Do I Market Myself?

The following video explains the 4 steps required to market yourself effectively. Set things up correctly from the start and you never have to worry about restarting your marketing campaign. You can adjust your offer, lead magnets, or mission statements very easily.

The remainder of this post will expand on the steps introduced in the video as well as provide resources, templates, and technical advice.

How do I attract my dream customer?

how do I attract my dream customer?

This matters so much more than you probably realize. I consistently see business owners making money, but frustrated with the difficult clients that they are forced to work with. It takes up energy, resources, and makes your business far less enjoyable. Why not attract your dream customer instead? Your entire marketing campaign should be created with your dream customer in mind. Ask yourself a series of questions and get as descriptive as possible with your answers.

Who is my dream customer?

What do they look like?

What do they believe?

How do they talk?

How can you help them?

Where are they located?

You want to attract people who you can help, and who will appreciate that you are helping them. Your work will be much more fulfilling if you are working with your dream customer and you will gain lifelong customers as opposed to energy consuming difficult clients. Your dream customer can change over time but to start out a campaign you need to have them in mind. Once you have a good idea of who you want to be helping you can start the next step of finding all the value that you can give to these clients. For my agency I want to be working with people who don’t understand technology but want to scale their business to the moon. I don’t want to work with lazy business owners who are inefficient and slaves to their own business. Another dream customer of mine would be business owners who already have technical skills and want to market themselves. They want to learn, and apply proven strategies to their business. My strategy to attract these two dream clients is completely different because the value I can offer them is completely different.

How do I build my value ladder?

How Can I Market Myself?

Your value ladder changes based on who your dream customer is. If you want to attract your dream customer you are going to have to find ways to give value, show value, and solve problems for them. To start this process you simply brainstorm a list of all the value you can offer your dream customer. Get extremely specific and break down your value into smaller bits of value. Think about how you can solve problems, make someone’s life better, or give value as it relates to your offer you have been thinking about. You obviously have a product/service you are trying to sell and you can only do this if you are able to show the value it can provide.

Once you have a large list brainstormed you want to group this list and organize it into similar/like value. For example as an agency owner I can offer marketing strategies, content creation, domain registration, hosting, updates, etc. The list will naturally start to turn into chunks of similar value and this is how you decide how to create your lead magnets and your first offer. The entire value ladder broken into sections is how you will also upsell your clients. You want to create an offer so good that people will want to do business with you. Once they are interested, you are able to upsell them into your higher ticket items by showing more value on your value ladder. By showing value and using marketing strategies visitors are much more likely to book a consultation with you.

How do I create my lead magnets?

Some of the value from your value ladder needs to be given for free. Free resources, free consultation, free quote, free audit, free anything. You want to give and show value so that people click into that lead magnet and learn more. The idea here is that you give value, show value, and then try and get contact information and a consultation booked. Once you show value you can harness a squeeze page and show even more value before you introduce your offer. Think about it from a clients perspective. They visit your landing page, they see a problem you can solve, they click, they see how you can help them, they see more value, and they are excited!

How do I create my offers?

Your offer has to be so good that people want to book a consultation. You need to show enough value, give enough value, and explain why your product/service is appealing. Your low ticket item should give so much free value that the price $$ feels like a steal of a deal. Focus on your value ladder and try and give as much value as possible for a fair price $$. If your price is too low it will turn away your dream customer so keep a fair price and show more value!

If your product/service can’t show or give enough value you will have a hard time attracting your dream customer. You need to be giving real value and helping them. Often if you have a passion or a stack of skills you are able to create an insanely appealing offer and still have higher ticket items you can upsell into later. The idea is to get your client interested in your low ticket item, book a consultation, and then you can show more value and upsell into your higher ticket items later. Using a creative, yet efficient marketing funnel landing page will help you with this process. You can show value, give value, and introduce your offer later in the process so the visitors feel all the value.

How do I build a marketing funnel landing page?

We live in a world of shorts, and minimal attention span, so stop thinking you need a flowery brochure type of website. You do not! Your landing page must include a mission statement very early in the page. Start with your cold traffic lead magnet or your mission statement and then walk them through a series of lead magnets that give/show value.

Your cold traffic doesn’t even know they have a problem that you can solve so you want your cold traffic lead magnet to introduce this problem. Or introduce your values and brand mission statement so that people can connect with you. You show the problem you can solve early and then you show the solution with your next lead magnet.

The warm traffic lead magnet is more solutions based because people will already know they have a problem and your solution is the one they are looking for. Some of your cold traffic will click on the first lead magnet and some of them will keep scrolling. Your warm traffic lead magnet is another opportunity to show/give value and get someone to click to the next page.

Your hot traffic already knows you can help them, and they want to see your products/services or your offer. It is important to include a products/services funnel but still keep this in terms of value. People only want to see your products/services if they know they can help them so please keep this in mind. Your products and services still act like a lead magnet where you can show some quick value and introduce how you can help them, then push them into your offer/consultation.

All of your lead magnets come directly from your value chart that you already created. You want to show different forms of value so that you can attract more people who land on your page. Our goal is to push them into your offer or consultation in only 2-3 clicks. Efficiency matters since attention span is low. Some products/services will only need one or two lead magnets and some may need a few more. This is always specific to your business, offer, and dream customer.

Some of your lead magnets are so good that people will want to give you their email address to receive the value you offer. This is where you push them into your newsletter or follow up funnel. Only strong lead magnets should have this and other lead magnets should just give/show value without requiring an email address. Your goal is to keep interest level high, or to turn cold traffic into warmer traffic. You can still give value, show value, and keep clients interested without an email address so be careful when you do this.

What About The Offer?

Your offer should be related to every lead magnet you are already using but it should have several in reserve. Once you show value, give value, and warm up your visitors they are much more likely to listen to your offer. You push them into squeeze page where you introduce even more value you can offer. Your goal is to just get them to listen to your offer. Most of the people who have stuck around for a few clicks are now interested and they just want to see the offer. You use the squeeze page to show a bit more value and then push into your offer page. The order and timing matters more than you think. If your offer is so irresistible you can build out a sales funnel landing page and get straight to the point. But this is more situational for sure. On your offer page you show all the value you will offer including old value you have shown from other lead magnets. Remember that visitors will take different paths to see your offer so summarize everything here. Show all the value you can give, and decide if you want to include a price or not. If your offer is strong enough you can give a nice price and push into a consultation.


Describe Dream Customer

Build Detailed Value Ladder With Dream Customer In Mind

Stack Plus Organize The Value Ladder

Create Cold, Warm, Hot Traffic Lead Magnets

Share Your Values or Brand Mission Statement

Use A Marketing Funnel Template

Introduce Your Offer In 2-3 Clicks

How do I drive traffic to my landing page?

Your landing page is now set up to attract a wide variety of visitors but will really appeal to your dream customer the most. To drive traffic to your landing page you can use any other marketing strategy. Social media marketing, email marketing, cold out reach, in person…. It doesn’t matter. By taking part in this process you already understand all the value you can give. You should be comfortable selling your product/services and you can use the lead magnets to help attract people to your landing page. Take control of your own marketing and this entire process makes it so much easier.

I hope you can see why a funnel landing page is far superior to a brochure type landing page. Usually people have some flowery picture that nobody cares about, and then way too many pages of information that just frustrate the visitors. It makes it frustrating for new visitors, and even more frustrating for repeat visitors. This is why I believe your landing page should only be built to attract your new clients. A separate system should be built out with existing clients in mind. A management system built to keep existing clients happy, built like an app, with utility first. The ABG Portal transforms your business into separate management systems that can do it all.

How Can I Market Myself?

By following the basics and learning!

The ABG Portal

I teach people the technical skills to do this yourself. From building websites, to creating logos, all the way to lead magnet creation or brand development. If you don’t have the technical skills but want to market yourself I can build you out a marketing funnel and support you on the technical side, while empowering you on the marketing side.


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